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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Liebster Award

This little award has been floating around the blog community for sometime. I think its a wonderful idea to help everyone get to know each other and discover new blogs.

I have been nominated by the beautiful Hanzy ReginaPhalange whose blogs can be found here at http://thoughtwithlove.blogspot.com

There are a few rules in place to get things flowing:

-You must link back to the person who nominated you.

-You must state 11 facts and also answer the 11 you received by the person who nominated you.

-The nominee must then choose people with less than 200 followers to nominate and create 11 questions for them.

-And finally tell the people you've nominated about this great little award!

11 Facts About Me:

-I love to dance. When I was younger up until the age of 13 I had taken ballet, tap, and jazz classes.

-I love Katy Perry's music

-I love to cook

- I love eating lemons with a sprinkle of salt

-I love to give myself my own manicures/pedicures and do designs on my nails. Oh and I love glitter polish. :)

- I love swimming

- I am so afraid of heights lol

- I love to sleep with a fan on at night

- If I laugh really hard tears will come out my eyes or I'll snort lol

- I love to learn different languages.

- I love Dophins

11 Questions Hanzy Asked Me:

1) What’s your favorite indulgence? I don't really have one

2) If you could choose one super power to have for one day, which would you choose and why? To be invisible. I think it would be fun to be able to disappear and reappear lol

3) What is the last movie you watched? Man On Fire

4) Do you ever experience hair envy? No

5) Your ultimate all time favorite place to shop online? GoJane. I love everything from the shoes, clothes and accessories

6) Would you rather have no makeup or no hair products for the rest of your life? I wouldn't want to go without them lol but I guess no makeup

7) Whats your dream job? My dream job would be anything that inspires people and makes them feel good about their self

8) Most annoying habit? I can make a certain noise with my eyes, and people say stop! Your eye is going to fall out! Lol

9) Whats your biggest fear? Dying and being forgotten

10) Whats your favorite quote? "Don't tell me the sky is the limit when there's footprints on the moon"

11) Who do you look up to and why? My mom because she is very strong and she is a beautiful person

Now time for My nominees:

Kimberly Romero

Mia Wagner

Kaelyn Hrabak

Ashlie Lynn

Mimmi M

Donna Russo

Faith Miller

Fatma Kamel

There are others but you've all been nominated already ^_^

And my 11 questions to you beautiful people are:

1) What is your favorite song right now?

2) What are your two favorite colors?

3) Who inspires you?

4) What makes you the happiest in life?

5) What are two of your biggest fears?

6) If your friends could think of one word to describe you, what would it be?

7) What did you want to be as a grownup when you were little

8) What is your favorite food?

9) Who today has made you smile?

10) What is your favorite animal?

11) What is your favorite movie?

I Hope you all enjoyed getting to know me a bit better and make sure to check out all the blogs mentioned!

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